
“Meditation,” says the great Guru Paramahansa Yogananda, “is the method of realizing the connection between one's body-circumscribed life energy, and the infinite Cosmic Energy of God … Meditation brings proof of the existence of God.”

Meditation is the laboratory setting where we test the claims of what others are telling us against our own experience. We close our eyes and go within our Self to discover the Truth about that mysterious consciousness, that vast intelligence that is in us - that is us - and all things. And when we sit still in this way, steeping in the silence that precedes the world, we not only can come to profound insights and glorious epiphanies about the nature of Reality, but we can experience the tremendous peace and sumptuous bliss that is here, now, beneath the cacophony of the noisy world; before the restless thoughts of our noisy minds.

Rest in peace, brothers and sisters. Attuning to stillness, to silence — to the “peace that passeth all understanding” — is the key to wisdom, the key to happiness, and the fountain of peace, love and joy.

A good place to start if you are new to meditation is Ep. 12 - Meditation 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation.

Meditations from Season 1

  • Ep. 2: The Peaceful Presence Within - Let what comes come. Let what goes go. See what remains.

  • Ep. 4: Choosing Absolute Life - The choice of what we give our attention to is always available, and when we give our attention to the life within us, and the permanent awareness at the center of that life, the natural result is to sink into a radiant and ultra-pleasant peace.

  • Ep. 6: Experiencing the Divine: - “Be still and know that I Am God.” Experiencing the divine is an open invitation. All you have to do is nothing. It’s a miracle, really.

  • Ep. 8: I Am Meditation: - Inhale and say “I”. Exhale and say “Am.” Repeat, and reap the benefits of lucidity, peace and joy. A practice from the 20th century American sage Robert Adams.

  • Ep. 10: Self-Inquiry Meditation: - Who or what am I? Shine the light of awareness on awareness itself, and see how vast and blissful this consciousness — this True I at the center of all experience — truly is.

Meditations from Season 2

  • Ep. 12: Meditation 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation - A 15-minute introduction explaining the practical benefits of meditation, followed by a restful, rejuvenating 20-minute guided meditation.

  • Ep. 15: Soundless Sound Meditation - Follow the sound into the silence and attune to peace. A pleasant practice, and a powerful tool to help you reorient to sacred Presence in your daily life.

  • Ep. 18: True Nature Meditation - A crisp, spacious, and altogether nourishing meditation into your true nature. Connecting with the world of nature outside, and the natural peace and harmony within.

  • Ep. 21: Follow Your Bliss Meditation - Bliss is not something to chase after, or conjure up. Rather by shifting attention from restlessness to rest you can experience the peace-filled bliss that has always been here, all along, inviting you into a most happy and centered experience of being.

Meditations from Season 3

  • Ep. 24: Beginner’s Mind - Practicing Enlightenment Meditation - Make enlightenment into a practical and embodied commitment, rather than a lofty concept. “There’s only enlightenment in the moment,” Byron Katie says. “Do you believe a stressful thought? Then you’re confused. Do you realize that the thought isn’t true? Then you’re enlightened to it. It’s as simple as that.” Sit for a half-hour and choose to be enlightened. Reap the benefits of happiness and peace.

  • Ep. 27 - Language Meditation - coming late 2024

  • Ep. 30 - Silence Meditation - coming early 2025

  • Ep. 33 - Meditation for World Betterment - coming mid 2025

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