A good conversation opens us up to new possibilities and new perspectives. It keeps our curiosity alive and helps us clarify what is true. Conversations can be joyful and fruitful, surprising, challenging, or delightful; and when we are discussing the deeper dimensions of Absolute Truth rather than the surface level of things, then our discussions have the power to move mountains.
At their best conversations extend beyond communication and into communion, a merging of the two into the one. A single conversation can change the whole course of our lives — perhaps subtly, perhaps radically — as we become aware that we are glimpsing a truth that is bigger and lovelier than what we knew before; and we can try to delude or distract ourselves for awhile, but how could we ever, really, turn our backs on what we know in our hearts to be True?
NOTE: Discussion episodes were introduced to Inflections of the Mystic Message starting in Season 2.
Season 2 Discussions
Ep. 13: Intuitive Wisdom, Spiritual Practice & Yogic Techniques - A Conversation with Shannon Lynn Smith - For this first discussion episode, Brian is joined by Shannon, his partner at the time, for an illuminating talk exploring wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual understanding. Discussed in the hour long conversation is the role of intuition and prayer, the importance of embodying our mystic understanding, and a smattering of yogic tips from Shannon. Learn more about Shannon and her offerings by clicking here.
Ep. 16: Giving, Getting, & Being Happiness: A Family Conversation about Values - Brian is joined by his mother, Maggie, and 13-year-old niece, Sofia, for a cross-generational conversation about the spiritual necessity of living selflessly, and how we best do this by getting out of our own way.
Ep. 19: Calling Wild Animals & Keeping Your Inner Peace: A Conversation with Brendan J. Fox - Brendan found spiritual purpose in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, and in the process discovered an astonishing ability to commune with wild animals. Here he shares the story of his incredible gift, and the lessons he’s learned about the importance of keeping a light heart full of inner peace.
Ep. 22: Human Suffering & Divine Perfection: A Conversation with Naren K. Schreiner - Naren is a former monk and current pujari (Hindu priest) who shares the wisdom of Bharat (India), stories from Paramahansa Yogananda’s divine life, and even a Sanskrit chant in this illuminating discussion about the bliss that is part of our very essence and being, and how this bliss does (and does not) hold within it the human suffering we experience on this earth.
Season 3 Discussions
Ep. 25: From the Unreal to the Real: The Incredible & Inspiring Life of Swami Sankarananda - From worldly success to suicidal depression to a rebirth into divine love that included a walking pilgrimage across the United States, Swami Sankarananda shares his illuminating story of overcoming the delusions of the mind to find freedom through spiritual awakening.
Ep. 28 - Language Conversation - coming late 2024
Ep. 31 - Silence Conversation - coming early 2025
Ep. 34 - Conversation On Saving the World - coming late 2025