The Perfect Bliss of It All
To watch the After Skool illustrated YouTube video of Ram Dass’ talk How to Keep Your Heart Open in Hell, mentioned in episode 20: click here
Episode 20: The Perfect Bliss of It All (Satsang)
The struggle is real ... Or is it?
Our experience says largely that it is - for we cannot deny the angst of this age, and the suffering experienced in this body, on this earth.
But the enlightened sages say differently. The world's great sages, saints and spiritual teachers all share a crystal clear message that beneath the suffering lies an unimaginable and immense universal power known as love, and this love is an intelligent force that is aware and awake, and synonymous - nay, identical - with the true nature of your true being.
Throughout history, countless souls have come out the other side of suffering, and swear that this anguish we experience is only on the surface; that beneath the pain of existence is an absolutely perfect bliss. To awaken spiritually means to abide in this bliss, forevermore, and discover that it has always been here, all along.
It’s almost too good to be true, but in fact this is the absolute and unerring Truth of the mystic message, of the perennial philosophy that crops us again and again and again on this earth. Everything is infinitely well and always was and always will be.
Rumi, Patanjali, Ram Dass, Julian of Norwich, Adyashanti and a great many more wise souls confirm this good news from their own experiential inner understanding; and they invite us, wholeheartedly, whole being-ly, into the eternal salvation and unending love that is the perfect bliss of it all.
Enjoy the Truth. Enjoy the bliss of your true Self. :)
Released May 10, 2023
Episode 21: Follow Your Bliss Meditation
Follow your breath and find your bliss.
This bliss — a kind of cosmically perfect peace — is inside of you, and by participating in this pleasant and accessible half hour meditation, it can help you experience this peace and rest for yourself.
You don’t have to chase after bliss. You don’t need to go anywhere else to find it.
All you have to do is shift attention away from restlessness, and dwell in the center of awareness within you.
It is quite ordinary. And it is most extraordinary.
Follow your bliss in this most simple and straightforward manner, and find out for yourself what wholeness and peace has always been here, all along, inviting you to abide in the happiest center of your true Self.
Released May 18, 2023
Episode 22: Human Suffering & Divine Perfection: A Conversation with Naren K. Schreiner
Naren Schreiner is a former monk, present day pujari, and always and forever lover of the Divine who joins Brian for this final conversation of season 2. They talk about the perfect bliss underlying this often chaotic world, and how that blissful perfection holds human suffering within it … or does it?
Naren shares stories from his own life, as well as the divine life of Paramahansa Yogananda, that great Indian yogi and guru to thousands who is often considered the godfather of Yoga in the West. Throughout the conversation Naren sprinkles in Sanskrit teachings, Vedantic wisdom, and even blesses us with a devotional song glorifying Divine Mother.
How do we acknowledge suffering - and wholeheartedly accept the human realities of the world - while at the same time honoring that mystic truth that we are invited in this very moment to participate in an eternally blissful perfection?
What role does our intellect play, and what role does the heart play in this process?
How do we “remain happy while uprooting the causes of unhappiness,” as Yogananda-ji instructs us?
Join Brian and Naren for this probing and illuminating conversation that is at turns humorous and serious, which raises questions and offers insights; as these two lifelong spiritual seekers tease out the underlying Reality of this confounding, glorious, complicated, simple, paradoxical, self-luminous Life.
To learn more about Naren and his offerings, please visit
Released May 29, 2023
Wisdom Teachings found in these episodes:
Click any name below for quotation(s) and source(s)
“When I had my spiritual awakening, I was fourteen years old. This body was sitting in a classroom taking a math test. And all of a sudden I felt myself expanding. I never left my body, which proves that the body never existed to begin with. I felt the body expanding, and a brilliant light began to come out of my heart. I happened to see this light in all directions. I had peripheral vision, and this light was really my Self. It was not my body and the light. There were not two. There was this light that became brighter and brighter and brighter, the light of a thousand suns. I thought I would be burnt to a crisp, but alas, I wasn’t … I felt a love, a compassion, a humility, all at the same time. That was truly indescribable. It wasn’t a love that you’re aware of. Think of something that you really love, or someone that you really love with all your heart. Multiply this by a jillion million trillion and you’ll understand what I’m talking about. This particular love is like no thing that ever existed on this earth, consciously. There is nothing you can compare it with. It is beyond duality, beyond concepts, beyond words and thoughts. And since the I which I was, was all pervading, there was no other place for anything else to be. There was no room for anything, because there was no space, and no time. There was just the I Am, ever present, Self existent. The love of everything was the love of the Self.”
— Silence of the Heart pgs 8 - 10
“There is something more beautiful, more grand, more wonderful, than you could ever imagine, that exists within you, which is the substratum of all existence. Yet in order to feel this joy, this bliss, in order to find total freedom from life’s so-called burdens, you have to dig for yourself. You have to give up something. You can’t stay the way you are, with the same disposition, the same values, the same preconceived ideas, the same concepts, and be free. You cannot do this. You have to do an about face and totally give up all your ideas about life, totally surrender your ego, your mind, your body, your preconceived ideas.”
— Silence of the Heart p. 124
To watch the After Skool illustrated YouTube video of Ram Dass’ talk How to Keep Your Heart Open in Hell click here
For an account of Ram Dass’ first meeting with Timothy Leary, see here
“Maharaj-ji’s teaching is love. That love stays with you wherever you are. The more open you are, the more you can receive the love. It’s the beginning, the middle, and the end.”
— Be Love Now, chapter 7“Having been in the presence of Maharaj-ji, I have come to trust the way a being like that is in the universe. It’s like knowing somebody who lives a little farther up the mountain and can see farther than you can. The view from there is perfection — not perfection as something to be achieved, but perfection in what is. Maharaj-ji kept saying to me in various ways, “Ram Dass, don’t you see it’s all perfect?” And yet Maharaj-ji spent all his life being there for people, helping them with their lives, feeding them, and just loving them. The art of life is to stay wide open and be vulnerable, yet at the same time to sit with the mystery and the awe and with the unbearable pain — to just be with it all.”
— Polishing the Mirror: How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart, chapter 6 -
“The way of it is so strange, it’s like liquid geometry, always flowing into the right order. No matter what happens, the love flows out, nothing can interrupt it, no cry or scream or laughter; it’s always at work, always recognizing, present, vigilant, meticulous. If you could understand how I see these two feet on the coffee table right now, you’d laugh until you fell helpless onto the floor. The seeing would kill everything but the pure joy of what sees.”
— A Thousand Names for Joy p. 134
“Ignorance is the failure to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, the pure and the impure, bliss and suffering, the Self and the non-Self. Egoism, the limiting sense of ‘I’ results from the individual intellect’s attributing the power of consciousness to itself.”
— Chapter II verses 5 & 6, as translated by Alistair Shearer
“Divine happiness, even the tiniest particle of a grain of it, never leaves one again; and when one attains to the essence of things and finds one’s Self – this is supreme happiness. When it is found, nothing else remains to be found; the sense of want will not awaken anymore, and the heart’s torment will be stilled forever.”
— Words of Sri Anandamayi Ma, translated and compiled by Atmananda, chapter 22; (Orig. published 1961; Centenary edition 1995)
“It’s rigged - everything, in your favor. So there is nothing to worry about.”
— Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky, pg. 85“I would love to kiss you.
The price of kissing is your life.Now my loving is running toward my life shouting,
What a bargain, Let's buy it.”
— The Essential Rumi interpreted by Coleman Barks, pg. 37 -
“I gave everything for this.
And still I laughingly wonder:
How could it have been so cheap?”— My Secret is Silence pg. 100 (author’s emphasis)
“See! I am God. See! I am in everything. See! I never lift my hands off my works, nor will I ever. See! I lead everything toward the purpose I ordained it to from without beginning, By the same Power, Wisdom and Love by which I created it. How could anything be amiss?”
— Revelations of Divine Love pg. 39“I saw that our Lord was never wrathful, nor ever shall be. God’s lucidity and unity will not allow this. God is the goodness that cannot be wrathful. Our soul is oned to God, unchangeable goodness, and therefore between God and our soul there is neither wrath nor forgiveness because there is no between.”
— Revelations of Divine Love pg. 77 -
“The beauty of unbroken perfection is revealed to us as Reality here and now and at once we can see God. Siddhartha Gautama knew when he said, ‘Do not complain and cry and pray, but open your eyes and see. For the light is about you and it is so wonderful, so beautiful, so beyond anything that man has ever dreamt of or prayed for—it is forever and ever.’
The “hidden” light shining in every creature and every form is not hidden if we open our eyes and live wide awake with Life. It smiles through every fellow pilgrim, every tree, every stone or every form we pass. It seems free and aglow with the light of loveliness …
I can live in natural correspondence and steady consummation. Each face and each form that I greet through my senses responds. It is as if Life smiles across in recognition of Itself. Life is seen by me as the “One”— exceedingly rich and freely nourishing.”
— Dancing with the Void: The Innerstandings of a Rare-Born Mystic, ch. 2: Pilgrimage to India
“Nothing seems to be unnecessary or out of the place to a mystic. Harmony reigns in the mystic’s vision; unbroken perfection is in and over all. It is a perfect blending of all into an indescribable expression of grace, joy, peace, beauty, love, compassion, and wisdom awareness. The One is the non-dual experiencing, the non-thing-ness. To know God is to be God. Being Awareness Grace. Tat Twam Asi.
There is a new dimension, a realization that “all is well” now and always, that the power of love, empathy and “participation mystique” absorbs all and transcends all. Self, God, Grace is an ever-present reality that enfolds us always. In it, we live and move and have our Being.
This is the mystic’s experiencing in wholeness and grace awareness … Love pervades everything. All conflicts and sufferings are like surface waves upon the quiet ocean depth.”
— Dancing with the Void: The Innerstandings of a Rare-Born Mystic, ch. 18: Mysticism