Spiritual Discussions
A Podcast About Absolute Truth
Metaphysical Talks
Guided Meditations
Spiritual Discussions ॐ A Podcast About Absolute Truth ⚛ Metaphysical Talks ☯ Guided Meditations ☮
Awakened sages. Enlightened masters. Liberated saints.
In every corner of the world, throughout all human history, we find mystics. They are the wisest and happiest of all human beings, and they all say precisely the same thing: that we are not limited to our physical bodies or trapped by our confused minds, but have our true identity in a universal consciousness that is unlimited and all-knowing. No matter what religion a mystic belongs to, or if they belong to none at all, they all proclaim — from the unmistakable clarity of their own experience — that we are one with Ultimate Reality. The purpose of a human life, they say, is to awaken to this Truth and join them in that liberated state of enlightenment that is direct participation in divinity; the sum total of all wisdom, all peace, and all love.
Join host Brian Clark for an enlightening exploration of the mystic message, where we take the words of the world’s great sages as our gateway into what is real and true. Through a combination of talks, meditations, and discussions, we come to better understand the world and our place in it. Doing so, we learn to cooperate with life instead of fighting against it. We learn to transcend our suffering and experience the divine bliss that is always present, here and now.
Truth exists.
God is Real.
Happiness awaits.
Season 3 has Begun! Three Episodes Exploring Enlightenment are Out Now :)
Season 3 has Begun! Three Episodes Exploring Enlightenment are Out Now :)
“Truth is One, the Sages Speak of it by Many Names.”
- Rig Veda
“It is all an open secret,” says the great sage Ramana Maharshi.
This secret that he’s referring to is shared by all mystics, and is known to every person in the depths of the soul. And when it is unlocked it reveals something ecstatic, liberating, and life-giving. It is not a doctrine nor a belief system, but rather the unimaginable Reality that exists before we superimpose our incomplete thoughts over top of it. It is the essential and sacred dimension of Life that all mystics tell us is available here and now. It is the Presence of the Divine. It is the abode of unimaginable happiness and unconditional Love, and it is what you truly are.
Tune in to Inflections of the Mystic Message to discover this life-changing spiritual Truth for yourself.
Discovering Truth in 3 fundamental ways:
Listen to an Audio Preview:
Or click here to preview Seasons 1 & 2
“Those who are awake all live in the same world.
Those who are asleep live in their own worlds.”
- Heraclitus
No Dogma
No Pseudo-Spirituality
A Wisdom-Guided Exploration of Reality
An Inquiry into Truth
An Invitation into Peace
Contact Info
For all questions, comments, inquiries, anecdotes and the like, please email mysticmessagepodcast@gmail.com, or click the button below.